Born 8 days late...we thought she would never arrive!
She filled out hearts with more joy than we ever thought was possible.
how quickly time flew to her first birthday!
she has always been a quick learner. she loves to read and could speak in sentences long before she ever took her first step. we stated a birthday tradition this year to go to the zoo every year for her birthday
she is full of life and personality. not a moment goes by without laughter
she is an amazing big sister and has been since day 1.
my sweet little ballerina should have been born in a tutu. her life is lived in a constant dance

she has a gift of praise. she is always praising and uplifting others for their accomplishments
she is all girl
she is a girl after my own heart - always time for learning and stopping to capture the moment
daddy's little golfer
mommy's little princess
praying as a family for her brother and embracing new siblings
I have enjoyed watching her become the little lady she is and look forward to every year ahead. She is my first born. My first munchkin...and I cannot believe it has already been 5 years since we were blessed to be called her mom and dad.
Happy Birthday, Ella
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