Wednesday, January 11, 2012


My week.  Well, started out kinda crazy.  Every body enjoys having triple the amount of work to do with the same pay, right??  Yeah.

Then - last night we discovered some winner hacked into my email account and sent out a virus to all my contacts and clients.  Super.  Craig and I participated in a 2 hour party of changing email addresses and passwords.  About half way through, I remembered that all my marketing for STP has my email address.  Super again.  So now I have to reorder all new business cards, post cards, everything.

Here's to hoping the week gets better....and so you don't think I have been Debby Downer all week - let me show you how super cute my son is!! :)  I can't believe how big he has gotten - how does this happen so fast??

Yes....I have the cutest little boy ever. 
And yes...the girls were here me, they don't miss that flash going off...

hows that for random....1 candle, 1 lighter, and 2 sticks of mens deodorant....hmmm. 

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