Sunday, December 11, 2011

Advent Calendar...almost.

I hate to say - but this will be the first year that we have done an Advent calendar.  EKK! But since I have been bitten by both the DIY and Pinterest bug this year...I decided to make one....Simone style! I found this really cute one on a blog (that was not written in English, btw) and decided to go with this theme. Unfortunately - sickness has taken down my house and we never got to finish making it.  Maybe next year I will start in July??? was my list - and till Christmas comes I am just going to let the girls pick something to do every night.
Our activities
Each package has a special not inside of what to do as a family

25: Read Christmas stories for bedtime. 
24: Make salt dough ornaments. 
23: Make and send Christmas cards. 
22: Make paper snow flakes and decorate the kitchen. 
21: Make paper garland. 
20: Pick out children from an Angel tree and buy them gifts.
19: Make Christmas presents to mail to Grandpa. 
18:Learn a new Christmas song. 
17: Make snowmen from toilet paper rolls. 
16: Make paper stockings. 
15: Make reindeer pops. 
14: Paint a Christmas tree with hand prints.  
13: Make Christmas cookies with fun shapes. 
12: Make a tissue paper wreathe. 
11: Make Christmas tree ornaments with scrabble tiles. 
10: Make a ginger bread house. 
9: Wrap presents we made for the family. 
8: Make a nativity scene. 
7: Hot chocolate and smores outside by the fire pit. 
6: Drive and look at Christmas lights. 
5: Watch a Christmas movie for family movie night. 
4: Make Christmas rice crispe treats (shaped like trees and ornaments made from candies)
3: Make treats for a house-bound member of our church and deliver them. 
2: Make a "Thankful For" board of things the kids are thankful for. 
1: Read the Christmas story from Luke.

This is about how far we got before all 3 kids got RSV....

That's it.  Pretty inspiring, huh? It would have been cute. 

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