Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Anyone else addicted to Pinterest???  Just me?  Okay.  I heart pinterest - I even made a follow me link on the side of my blog (if you haven't noticed, its above our families pictures).  So to make better use of all the useful things I pin - I decided that every week I will make something new, try a new hair style, and organize somewhere in my house.  Sounds like a good plan - its not like I am super busy already or anything....

Week 1:

 I did a new hair style! Turned out super cute (even though my boss told me I looked like a hippy) and I will post a picture as soon as I can figure out how to upload from my new tablet.  As I have said many times - I am not technologically advanced! PS...when I did it...I was so super excited about it that I downloaded a camera app and toke pictures before work and was almost late!

Last night I made a book.  Really fun - very time consuming.  I got the idea from this post on pinterest:
Now, hers are much prettier than mine - but I don't use things that use scriptures out of context, manipulate them, or multipul versions so I made my own.  Thank you Photoshop! And thanks to a sale at Shutterfly - my books are on their way! Pictures of my own books will come soon.

Now I am off to organize my closet - which is in dire need! It may take me all day since I will have little helpers...but it will be fun.  

Happy Thanksgiving Eve - I work overnight tonight so I must organize and then sleep!

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