Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our week

Since my last post was kinda down....I thought I would show you what our week looked like this week.  A lot of nothing!  It was great.  We finally caught up with the rest of the technological world - I got a new laptop so I could leave my office when editing and because the store ran an awesome deal - we got a HP tablet too!! Awesome! I don't know what Im going to do with all these fun new toys - but I know I won't be bored during Ella's dance class anymore.  I am grateful for the slow week...because I had 2 sessions today, 2 tomorrow, one Monday, one Tuesday and one Thursday - sigh.  See why I wanted a new laptop?  :)  


  1. I love slow weeks :) Did you get a new doggie??

  2. me too...since this week was no fun - my whole house is sick. We got Lucky for Ella's birthday this year....we are just now starting to like her! She was a butt at first.
