Sunday, November 6, 2011


This year I have totally been getting crafty! Not only are we making our Christmas presents, which I am totally behind on, but I have been making my own photo props! I have really enjoyed this.  I blogged before about the chalk boards and soup cans - which were pretty low grade crafty - but I really had a lot of fun with the Christmas props!!

Here are my JOY letters...

I love them! They came out exactly how I imagined! (which by the way as at midnight one night and I couldn't sleep all night)  I now have great ideas in my head for future words and numbers and....yes.  I might be up again till midnight.

Here are my props on a stick (which are not yet on sticks - but I was so excited!! I guess I will need a follow up picture.)

Made theses too!! This set of props did not come out of an ephaniy int he wee hours of the night - rather I ordered some just like them from a shop and the USPS lost them! I am currently battling them to get restitution.  I figured I would never see them again so I decided to make my own.  I guess I could have done so to begin with - but this took me about 3 hours.  Easier to pay someone else - yes...but I am super pround of my DIY props.  So I guess its a win win in the long run.  Except for the people at USPS, who still have not heard the end of my complaints.

I still have not finished Ella's dress up more fun crafty blogs to come.  And I would LOVE to blog about Christmas presents - but that would spoil all the fun for the recipients, who are among the 4 people who read my blog.  :)


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