Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The long awaited ultrasound....

First, a little back story....

When Owen was born he went into the NICU immediately after birth for 9 days.  He started to go into distress from being transverse and his blood sugar had dropped.  Not to mention, my late-premee, as the nurses called him, was a whopping 8 lbs and 5 ounces and 21 inches long.  Take all that turned sideways.  Because he was transverse his lungs didn't develop fully. He came out and couldn't breathe. Throughout his stay in the NICU he had several xrays, ultrasounds, CAT scans and many, many other things that my poor baby boy was not ready for.

The day we were to leave the hospital, his doctor pulled me aside to tell me that on one of his ultrasounds of his head they found a cyst on his brain.  She said this so very nonchalantly, as if I had not been dreaming already of how it was physically possible for me to sleep with my head in his crib all night to make sure he was still breathing.  She says, just watch his development...have a good day. (Im sure she said it a lot nicer than this, but that is how I remember it went)

We brought him home and I was a wreck.  Not sleeping plus constantly trying to measure how fast he is breathing (an impossible task) and now dissecting his every move and function wondering about his little head. I would stay awake at night and hold him and cry in prayer over his little body and his brain. We asked God to ease our (my) fears (craziness) and lead us to a place of peace.  We knew that no matter what the outcome, our son was given to us for a reason and he was in God's hands.  I am thankful to say that God did that for me.  As many of you know, I am the worrier of the family.  I worry, analyse, worry some more, obsess, and lose sleep over meaningless things let alone my son having a potential brain tumor.  God eased my mind and I have been quite sane for the last few months.  The doctor said at 6 months we would do another head ultra sound to reevaluate.

Last month at his 4 month check up, the doctor brought all those fears back.  Its time to schedule his ultrasound to see what is inside there.  We went ahead and did it a month early - which I later found out why. Here comes the tears and worrying again - I knew it was time to hit my knees to the ground again in prayer.

All week I had been wondering how on earth did they do a head ultrasound?? I have had quite a few - but on my babies.  Do they take that nasty gel and rub it all over his head?  Yep.  Sure do.  So Monday morning we headed back to the hospital, and since we had just been discharged about a week prior, it was a quick check in.  The nurse was fantastic and she rubbed that goo all over his head and started scanning.  They get all the scans from the soft spots.  It was one of the most interesting things I have ever seen.  This was the reason for the push up from 6 months to 5 months - my son's soft spots are almost closed and without them there is no ultrasound.  I told my husband later, I don't know what I was looking at on that screen - but it was cool! He did awesome.  Owen sat there for 20 minutes, never fussed, and let the technition do her thing. Happy momma.

Today, Owen had his follow up from the RSV and hospital trip.  The doctor informs us that he got the results of his ultrasound.  I was not prepared for this...but I have been working on keeping my tears in check....He said the valley that had the cyst was completely empty.  It was gone.  GONE.  He said, we are not sure how it happens, but sometimes it just does. He told me I didn't have to worry anymore.

I was beaming.  I know how it happens.  We serve a wonderful God.

Tonight I will sleep easier.  Tonight, once again, I will explain to my girls that our God is an awesome God and we have much to be thankful for.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Girls night!

1st girls night since Owen was born! YAY! Who is ready for some guilt free Tokyo?  This momma!

Figured I would hair is only gonna look like this for another 4 minutes.

PS.  Started a new thing on my SPT blog called, Photoshop Friday.  Check it out if you like before and afters.  See the love that goes into my sessions :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas crafts and Owen update!

I make these wonderful cookies every year for family and friends at work.  I only make them at Christmas because I would weigh 500 pounds if I made them throughout the year.  They are seriously fantastic - and that's no compliment to me - its just the cookies!!

This year I wanted to make cute little Christmas cookie cans to pass out my goodies! Here is my up-cycle use for my son's formula containers.

Supplies needed: wrapping paper, formula can, tape, paint, ribbon, and of course your goodies!

Paint the cap - chalk board paint would be really cute!! This is the first coat - I did two and it covered fine. 

Fold and tap the paper to fit your can. 

I taped it at the seems and it held around just fine.  The formula cans have a lip around the edge that helped hold the paper in place. 

Tadaa! Now add cookies! 

Owens is home now and starting to seem better every moment! We still have some coughing fits, and I have been thrown up on a few times, but he is actually smiling now.  I have to go back to work tomorrow and I am  hoping he feels better - my poor husband....I did enjoy the extra mommy and Owen time these last few days.

Advent Calendar...almost.

I hate to say - but this will be the first year that we have done an Advent calendar.  EKK! But since I have been bitten by both the DIY and Pinterest bug this year...I decided to make one....Simone style! I found this really cute one on a blog (that was not written in English, btw) and decided to go with this theme. Unfortunately - sickness has taken down my house and we never got to finish making it.  Maybe next year I will start in July??? was my list - and till Christmas comes I am just going to let the girls pick something to do every night.
Our activities
Each package has a special not inside of what to do as a family

25: Read Christmas stories for bedtime. 
24: Make salt dough ornaments. 
23: Make and send Christmas cards. 
22: Make paper snow flakes and decorate the kitchen. 
21: Make paper garland. 
20: Pick out children from an Angel tree and buy them gifts.
19: Make Christmas presents to mail to Grandpa. 
18:Learn a new Christmas song. 
17: Make snowmen from toilet paper rolls. 
16: Make paper stockings. 
15: Make reindeer pops. 
14: Paint a Christmas tree with hand prints.  
13: Make Christmas cookies with fun shapes. 
12: Make a tissue paper wreathe. 
11: Make Christmas tree ornaments with scrabble tiles. 
10: Make a ginger bread house. 
9: Wrap presents we made for the family. 
8: Make a nativity scene. 
7: Hot chocolate and smores outside by the fire pit. 
6: Drive and look at Christmas lights. 
5: Watch a Christmas movie for family movie night. 
4: Make Christmas rice crispe treats (shaped like trees and ornaments made from candies)
3: Make treats for a house-bound member of our church and deliver them. 
2: Make a "Thankful For" board of things the kids are thankful for. 
1: Read the Christmas story from Luke.

This is about how far we got before all 3 kids got RSV....

That's it.  Pretty inspiring, huh? It would have been cute. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sweet baby boy and the hospital.

Today Owen was admitted to the hospital.  He has RSV, strep throat and possibly phenomena....if we ever get to get his xrays! It has been a long day. They put in a IV tube - with no IV hooked to it yet - which he thinks they gave him as a toy and so my entire evening has been trying to keep him away from this appealing plastic tube hanging off his hand.  I finally got him to fall asleep and here comes the nurse to take his temp....rectally. Not asleep anymore.

We did discover that Owen loves the sound of the webcam on the here we are.  Horrible hat hair and everything.  I'l take my smiles from my sweet boy anyway that I can.

Monday, December 5, 2011 blog

According to my blog, , I have one follower from Ukraine and 44 from Russia! That makes my heart happy - I have a special place for Ukraine in my heart.  The month I worked there will never been forgotten.  Plus! I know some pretty amazing little Ukrainians that are now part of our loving church family! Go adoption!

There's my 12:30 am happy moment.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thank you.

This month a friend shared some very inspiring things with me - rather things about me.  She shared with me about how I was inspiring her and such wonderful kind words about myself as a person, a mother, a wife.

I am not sure how to convey how humbled I was to hear such things.  It took me a long time to write her back because I honestly didn't know what to say! Truth be told, I generally feel inadequate 99% of the time.  I feel like an inadequate wife, mother, worker, person.  I feel that I am always too busy or short tempered or inpatient.  I let the world beat me up.  I worry - constantly! I look around at all these wonderful, Godly women that I aspire to be like and I feel the ball stops short of the hole on my end.  So to hear that to someone else thinks that I am something to be aspired after was very humbling.  

Thank you, friend, for lifting my spirits this month.  I appreciate you more than you know.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Make your own wipes!

In this house - we use wipes - for everything!! So when I heard about making our own for cheap I was on board....while the glue and paint are drying on our Advent Calendar, I thought I would show how we made our own wipes.  I know there are other blogs out there that have shown this - but this is an account of our experience!

 You will need : 1 roll of paper towels.  2 cups of distilled water (or boil 2 cups and then let them cool to room temperature).  2 tablespoons of baby wash and 1 table spoon of baby oil. One container with a lid - mine is a little excessive but its what I had! Total spent - $2.20 to make 204 wipes.  204 wipes store bought = $10.00 or more depending on brand.  

1 roll of paper towels - we liked using the Viva because they are soft.  I got the select a size roll for $2.20.  Baby oil and baby wash - which most of you probably already have!  

Use a sharp, serrated knife to cut your roll in half.  The blog I saw had the roll all pretty and clean when it was cut - mine did not.  :)  Here is what it actually looked like...and it only got worse.  Take the middle card board peice out.  Set one half aside for next time.
 Place the baby wash, oil and water in your container.  Place one half of your paper towel roll (cut side down) in the bottom and close the lid.  Let it sit until all the liquid is absorbed.  Turn your whole container up side down and let it sit this way for 10-20 minutes.  Turn right side up and enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I just showed my wonderful husband the new camera I want next year....I think he almost passed out.

D300...we will meet one day. love, Simone.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday, November 25th

I feel like I have been working non stop for the last two days with no sleep, almost got run over for some ipods, and had to scream at hundreds of people all day....oh  wait.  All of those things did happen.  I feel like crud. 

I will never understand how buying gifts for others brings out the worst in a person.  It's just things.  Gifts will all be forgotten - but the way you treat people remains.

On a happier note - my baby boy is 4 months old today.  I might be too tired to do anything else - but I can tell you there will be snuggling! 

Me and my little man yesterday.  LOVE HIM! He makes my heart smile.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Anyone else addicted to Pinterest???  Just me?  Okay.  I heart pinterest - I even made a follow me link on the side of my blog (if you haven't noticed, its above our families pictures).  So to make better use of all the useful things I pin - I decided that every week I will make something new, try a new hair style, and organize somewhere in my house.  Sounds like a good plan - its not like I am super busy already or anything....

Week 1:

 I did a new hair style! Turned out super cute (even though my boss told me I looked like a hippy) and I will post a picture as soon as I can figure out how to upload from my new tablet.  As I have said many times - I am not technologically advanced! PS...when I did it...I was so super excited about it that I downloaded a camera app and toke pictures before work and was almost late!

Last night I made a book.  Really fun - very time consuming.  I got the idea from this post on pinterest:
Now, hers are much prettier than mine - but I don't use things that use scriptures out of context, manipulate them, or multipul versions so I made my own.  Thank you Photoshop! And thanks to a sale at Shutterfly - my books are on their way! Pictures of my own books will come soon.

Now I am off to organize my closet - which is in dire need! It may take me all day since I will have little helpers...but it will be fun.  

Happy Thanksgiving Eve - I work overnight tonight so I must organize and then sleep!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DIY - Girl's Room

We actually did this a while ago....and this post has been sitting unpublished!

For the girl's big Christmas present this year, we decided it would be fun to fix up their room.  When we moved them to their new room, the yellow room as it is called in our house, we got them new beds and pretty much just shoved them in there.  Well - now its time for a little girly stuff! I cannot wait for the next few months - a book shelf, built-ins from Paw Paw, and lots of fun stuff I have found.  And all this on a!

First thing on the list....a dress up clothes station.

We bought a wood quilt rack ($10) from a facebook garage sale site.

See all the junk in the background - that's my homeschool area.  Still looking for a cool shelf / cabinet to redo .

Then it was off to Sherwin Williams....$6.99 for their sample paint sized paint...and we still have tons left over!!

Something new I learned....If you are a genious like me and forget paint supplies at the paint supply store (hello??) then you might like this! I forgot a paint I took a cake pan top and covered it with parchment paper.  Worked like a charm!


This is in the girls room....we added hooks to hang the dresses....

....and pretty pink knobs for necklaces and purses. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

DIY Chore Chart

"Ella, your room is dirty."

Instead - maybe we should just say - go ahead.  Have a! That's about what happens when we say the words "clean up".  Melt down.  My oldest needs specific directions and time lines.  She does not do well with general.  So we decided in a last attempt before taking ALL the toys away (no snickering, Mom, I remember toys of my own things being tossed up the attic stairs - maybe I am seeing where Ella gets it from...) to try a chore cart so she would have specific things to do.

She loved the idea - and getting to craft!

this was the old chart - pretty pathetic! 

Supplies needed : Clothes hangers, craft sticks, mod podge, and scrap book paper.  
Paint the Mod Podge onto the craft stick.  Stick it to the white side of your scapbook paper. 

Handy dandy box cutter - or exact o knife

Cut the excess paper off your craft stick. 

My Mod Podge skills stink- and I had a helper  :)  But even when they are wrinkly you still can't see it from a distance. 

Hot glue your clothes pin to the back. 

Take time out to play with your middle child and her new ballerina.

I took a ribbon and hung it under their chalk board to hang their chores. 

Tadaa! I have to make a few more...but you get the idea! 

Sickness and Happy Momma Moments

My house is stinky with really, it stinks. Everyone has been sick except for Craig.  Ella - fever.  Owen - fever.  Avery - EVERYTHING.  Let's just say we have been through an entire pack of pull-ups in 3 days and she is breaking my heart every night by waking me up crying, "my booty is bleeding" (its not - but to her I guess it is).  We can't be too careful with Avery - since she has a history of blood and immune deficiencies - when she gets sick and it doesn't run its course normally then we start to question whether or not her blood levels are normal.  Fun stuff, eh?  Took her to the doctor today - blood levels good - and she has a bacterial infection.  We knew it was only a matter of time before she got sick this fall.....

Last night, and remember I am sick too....she wakes me up at 2:00, 2:20, 2:45, and finally at 3:17 when I cannot listen to her cries anymore from "her booty bleeding" I let her sleep with us.  Not the best idea, since I had no idea what she had and my throat is so swollen I can't speak, but how long can you listen to your little one say, "momma I want to hold you" while crying her eyes out before you just let her snuggle with you??

Right before we fell asleep, I am brushing her hair off her face while she finally starts to relax.  I whisper, "I love you"....she whispers, "I love you more" (PS - first time she has ever said that..not love you, but the more!).  My heart melts.  We fall asleep with her in my arms.

Avery and I - August 2010, 14 months

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to curl your hair with socks!

**WARNING**  some hideous pictures of me are about to be have been warned....

Now that you have been read the disclaimer - let's curl some hair! (BIG thank you to my husband for helping me document!)

First - I started with damp hair.  It may look like my hair would curl on its own - but don't be fooled.  Left to its own ways it turns into a giant poof.  One thing I learned from doing this a few times - don't leave your hair too damp.  Mine worked better when it was dry all the way first and I ran a wet brush through it a few times.  When it was too damp it didn't dry well.

All three sections of hair are done the same way.  The first section is at the crown.  Take a circle of hair from the crown and pull it up for your first sock. 

Place your sock underneath - preferably a clean on. 

Start to twist the ends around the sock.  Make sure to get all the way to the end as if you were using a curling iron. 


Keep twisting down till you get to your head. 

Tie the sock in a knot. 

First sock down! (ahh this is the worst picture ever!!!) It doesn't have to be neat. 

Separate the rest of your hair like you are making two pony tails.

Do the same thing as the top sock - place the sock under your hair and roll your hair around the sock. 

Tie the sock in a knot when you reach your ear.  

Repeat on the other side.  (notice all of my socks are different!)

Done! Now go to sleep....

In the morning.....
Untwist the socks. 

Repeat on the other side and top sock, 


Curly hair.  :)