Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl fun!

GIANTS WIN!! Wohoo! Now I will have to wait till next week to see if I need to get a new jersey for next loyalties lie with my quarterback!

Here is some football fun we had last night - those who are dieting, Im sorry. Disclaimer, I did not eat any of it while making, which killed me! I had to rely on the on kids "mmmmm" to know that it was all good!

cupcakes taking shape! 

yep....dinner is served.  

I think we like cheep pizza!  She was a complete mess by this point.

yep. mess....but lovin momma cooking and dancing in the kitchen! 

I didn't want my football to have holes - so I cute pieces of cupcake and stuck them inbetween. 

ready for kick off! 

ready for the game! 


and yes, Ella was here this weekend, big girl decided she didn't want to clean her room and do her chores so she didn't get to have much baking fun with us.  She did, however, redeem herself and had a great Superbowl time with her cousins  :)  

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