Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thank you.

This month a friend shared some very inspiring things with me - rather things about me.  She shared with me about how I was inspiring her and such wonderful kind words about myself as a person, a mother, a wife.

I am not sure how to convey how humbled I was to hear such things.  It took me a long time to write her back because I honestly didn't know what to say! Truth be told, I generally feel inadequate 99% of the time.  I feel like an inadequate wife, mother, worker, person.  I feel that I am always too busy or short tempered or inpatient.  I let the world beat me up.  I worry - constantly! I look around at all these wonderful, Godly women that I aspire to be like and I feel the ball stops short of the hole on my end.  So to hear that to someone else thinks that I am something to be aspired after was very humbling.  

Thank you, friend, for lifting my spirits this month.  I appreciate you more than you know.  

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