Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Wow. So when I started this...I figured I'd have time to actually sit down and write.  Right!  With baby Owen, as he is lovingly called by his sisters, a potty training 2 year old, a first time homeschooling kindergardener, and the mess of a house they leave in their trails...its no wonder I haven't updated in forever!

So, homeschooling is proving to be harder than I thought.  And I consider myself a pretty organized person! The first week we started, mind you Owen was still nursing every 3 hours, Ella came and woke me up at 3:00am because she remembered, in her sleep??, that we forgot to do art.  Sigh.  At least she is excited.  She loves math!! (thankgoodness daddy does too, cause momma stinks at math)

The next few weeks should be a little rough for me.  Work starts back on Monday - and I am not looking forward to leaving all my babies.  Photography sessions have picked up drastically, which I am thankful for, but I am trying to find a happy middle ground between work and family time.  Pray for my emotions...which run freely!...on Monday morning as I head back to work.

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